Ingérence d’Obama en GB: pourquoi suivrions nous les conseils de quelqu’un qui a plongé le monde dans le chaos?

Le vote pour ou contre le Brexit, tout comme celui pour ou contre Trump, prend les allures d’une consultation mondiale.

Est-ce étonnant? Non!

Car aussi bien dans le Brexit que dans  la présidentielle Américaine, ce qui est en cause c’est l’ordre du monde. Il y a coalition mondiale des élites pour aller plus loin dans ce qu’ils appellent « l’ouverture du monde ». Ouverture qui masque l’extension de l’impérialisme.

En sens inverse comme l’ouverture est dissymétrique et qu’elle ne fait que dissimuler le pouvoir des élites de s’enrichir et d’asservir, la réaction des peuples est de plus en plus vive, ils s’opposent, pour l’instant pacifiquement, au mouvement en cours.

Le fait qu’Obama intervienne dans les affaires domestiques des pays est un dévoilement, il se donne à voir comme étant intéressé! Il bafoue la souveraineté nationale et celle des citoyens.

La réaction, c’est la montée au premier rang des partis d’extrême droite comme c’est le cas en Autriche cette semaine.

Paru dans The Telegraph: Une excellent répartie aux ingérences d’Obama

« I wonder who in Downing Street briefed Barack Obama’s team on the wording of his friendly warning to the British.

Somebody obviously pointed out that the population of this country retained a quaint obsession with the Second World War, and would therefore treat any reference to the glorious dead as irreproachable. So the President invoked the European graves of those American servicemen who died to protect – well, what exactly?

I thought it was the democratic values and reverence for national independence that Britain shared with the US. Did Mr Obama have any sense at all that what he was now urging the British electorate to accept was precisely the surrender of those sacred principles of democratically accountable government and self-determination for which the combined American and British forces had made their ultimate sacrifice?


Obama: Britain would go to the ‘back of the queue’ of trade deals if it votes for Brexit Play! 

Could this bizarre intervention have been more cynical or wilfully misinformed? In the end, it seemed to come down to trade advantages – to what might once, back in the day, have been called the global interests of US corporate capitalism. Mr Obama even made specific reference in his article in Friday’s Daily Telegraph to the importance of current negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which would reduce barriers to US business interests in the European Union.

On the same day, 38 Degrees – a front group for the more proactive elements in the public sector unions – took out full-page newspaper adverts campaigning against the adoption of TTIP (“…no trade deal should give corporations more power than people”). If the Labour Left were not in such disingenuous disarray, they could be making a meal of this. In any event, unnamed US trade officials were being ominously quoted as saying that, in the event of Brexit, the UK would come very low on America’s list of priorities for new trade agreements.

Then Mr Obama himself abandoned such subtlety in his joint press conference with the Prime Minister. Should the UK go its own way, he said, there would be no trade agreement with the US any time soon. Maybe some time down the line, as he put it, we could work something out. But the UK would be “in the back of the queue” because the US would be dealing with the big boys. So this isn’t a warning: it’s a threat. Stay in the EU and make way for American competitors, or else.

3 réflexions sur “Ingérence d’Obama en GB: pourquoi suivrions nous les conseils de quelqu’un qui a plongé le monde dans le chaos?

  1. Merci Monsieur Bertez, votre site de réflexion et de réinformation est vraiment excellent, vos raisonnements ouvrent toujours des « portes » dans mon esprit.


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