Contre offensive Ukro: ici un article sévère sur la Russie. La Russie joue trop court. La Russie met le turbo . A SUIVRE avec MAJ

L’une des meilleures sources en ce moment, juste après Rybar, est Erwan Castel. Il appelle une victoire une victoire et appelle une défaite une défaite.

« Si, sur le front de Kherson, et malgré quelques succès tactiques ukrainiens, les forces russes contiennent les forces de Kyiv en leur infligeant de lourdes pertes, sur le front de Balaklaïa, en revanche, elles semblent avoir été surprises par plusieurs attaques ennemies menées en direction de Balaklaïa et Koupyansk ce qui place ce secteur au premier plan de l’actualité militaire.»

Si cela est vrai, c’ est : l’incompétence.
Les Russes «ont été surpris par plusieurs attaques ennemies» dans l’oblast de Kharkov, malgré tant d’avertissements d’une possible contre-offensive là-bas.

Une attaque terroriste à Moscou pourrait surprendre. Un sabotage en Crimée pourrait surprendre.
Mais pas ça. C’est tout simplement inacceptable.

Si Izium tombe, et donc tout SMO pour libérer la République de Donetsk ne peut plus continuer, Choïgou et Poutine devraient démissionner.

Après tout, au Royaume-Uni, ils ont également dû changer de leadership pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

La Russie doit éliminer son Chamberlain et récupérer son Churchill.

C’est mon point de vue basé sur des faits que le service pro-russe Rybar porte à notre connaissance. .C’est mon point de vue, en tant qu’anti-OTAN, neutre envers la Russie et 100% pro-Donbass autodéterminé.

Combien de Russes et de soldats alliés sont morts pour prendre toutes ces terres dans l’oblast de Kharkov, pour permettre d’attaquer les positions ukrainiennes du côté nord de l’oblast de Donetsk ?
Toutes leurs vies ont été gâchées, juste pour que Poutine puisse continuer à se vanter qu’un SMO limité est suffisant, et que la Russie n’a même pas besoin de déclarer la guerre ni d’utiliser des conscrits. 

Maintenant, cette retraite scandaleuse est le résultat direct de cette décision politique (ou peut-être de mauvaises informations militaires fournies au Kremlin, pour le faire paraître meilleur qu’il ne l’était).

J’espère juste qu’il y a encore assez de liberté d’expression en Russie pour demander justice.

Des pertes inacceptables

Je me souviens des paroles de Lavrov, lorsque les Ukrainiens ont réussi la première contre-offensive pour reprendre des terres autour de la ville de Kharkov. Lavrov a déclaré qu’il était inacceptable de perdre ces villes de cette manière, surtout après avoir passé tant de temps entre les mains des Russes.

C’était aussi mon avis.
Donc, pour être cohérent, si j’étais d’accord avec Lavrov à l’époque, alors maintenant j’exige que certaines têtes tombent, au sens figuré, bien sûr.

Et si Poutine est trop fier pour faire un effort supplémentaire et déclarer la guerre et utiliser des troupes et du matériel supplémentaires pour libérer le Donbass plus rapidement au lieu d’attendre ce genre de contre-offensives, alors il doit se retirer, ou quelqu’un devrait lui montrer la sortie.

Comme quelqu’un l’a si bien résumé, l’Ukraine a obtenu plus de terres en ces 2 ou 3 jours que la Russie en 2 mois.

Je me demande si les propagandistes pro-russes (à ne pas confondre avec les pro-russes décents qui aiment les faits et la réalité) vont parler de « tactique » ou de « chaudron » lorsque l’Ukraine commencera également à prendre des colonies À L’INTÉRIEUR de l’oblast de Donetsk, au nord du Seversky La rivière Donets, où des pontons sont nécessaires, et théoriquement il y a plus qu’assez d’artillerie russe pour les arrêter. 

En seulement 2 jours, Defence Politics Asia a déjà mis 3 drapeaux bleus dans cette zone au sud de Lyman.

Plus d’Erwan Castel :

« Si Balaklaïa tombe, même temporairement aux mains des forces ukrainiennes, ce sera le premier grand succès tactique de Kiev depuis le 24 février et cela risque d’accélérer une radicalisation des opérations militaires russes en Ukraine, à commencer par une contre-attaque. . »

Balakleya est déjà tombé. Rybar a rapporté que «les forces russes se retirent de Balakliya».
Les 2 prochaines colonies à l’est de celle-ci sont également tombées, et le combat se poursuit à Zalyman.

Et au Nord, il est humiliant qu’il y ait maintenant une vidéo confirmant que les troupes ukrainiennes ont atteint Shevchenkovo ​​dans les M113 américains des années 1960.

L’armée russe n’était-elle pas moderne ?

Et de conclure, toujours avec Erwan Castel :
« La principale difficulté de l’état-major russe, toujours contraint d’opérer avec les effectifs limités qui caractérisent toute « opération spéciale », est qu’il ne peut pas déplacer beaucoup d’unités combattantes parmi celles déployées dans le secteur car les autres attaques secondaires menées par les Ukrainiens, au nord de Kharkov ou du côté de Slaviansk et Seversk les fixent sur leurs positions. Il faut donc résister, le temps que descendent du Nord (et probablement de Russie) des réserves suffisantes pour une contre-offensive.»

« On voit bien ici que la prolongation du conflit a atteint un point de basculement où le temps pris dans la conduite des opérations russes, qui leur a permis d’économiser leurs forces et de mener une certaine stratégie d’usure, est aussi devenu profitable pour les Ukrainiens. qui ont pu reconstituer suffisamment de forces entraînées pour reprendre une initiative opérative ici et là.»

C’est aussi ma conclusion. La Russie est devenue si arrogante et distraite en broyant de la chair à canon dans des tranchées insignifiantes au milieu des champs de céréales, que l’Ukraine a reconstruit une armée suffisamment grande pour reprendre l’initiative et faire fuir les Russes dans d’autres secteurs.
Et cette contre-attaque de Kharkov était juste avec 9 000 hommes. Si c’est jusqu’au dernier Ukrainien, combien reste-t-il de vagues 9k ? La Russie continuera-t-elle à attendre qu’ils soient tous prêts ?

S’ils empruntent ce pont à Senkove sur la rivière Oskil, les Ukrainiens n’auront qu’à marcher 11 km pour atteindre la République de Lugansk. Ce sera l’humiliation complète de la Russie. Peu importe si * c’est juste une séance photo * comme les propagandistes l’ont dit à propos d’autres avancées ukrainiennes que la Russie n’a JAMAIS été en mesure d’inverser en 5 mois, en particulier dans cette zone au nord de Kharkov, à quelques kilomètres de cette débâcle de Balakleya. *opération de réparation*…


🔻AFU continue their offensive in Kharkiv Region for the third day. Their immediate goals are to occupy Kupyansk, the de facto capital of the liberated territories, and to blockade Izyum.

▪️By evening, the fall of Balakliya was confirmed. The approaching units of Russian Armed Forces managed to secure a safe corridor for withdrawal of Rosguardia (National Guard) units, which had held the town for two days.
It appears that Russian Command decided to withdraw from the town and to preserve lives of the units.

▪️Having captured Volokhiv Yar, north of Balakliya, AFU partially blocked Shevchenkove and continued to advance on Kupyansk.
AFU’s mobile tactical groups advanced across the fields towards Oskil River, occupying the villages of Bezmyatezhne and Spodobivka.

After that, the enemy forces were divided. Some units went to Kupyansk-Shevchenkove Road, occupying the village of Hrushivka.

▪️Another group of Ukrainian troops aimed eastward, fighting for Sen’kove on the right bank of Oskil River.

▪️At the same time, the zone of control around Balakliya expanded. AFU were trying to advance towards Vesele and Kun’je, but the enemy’s advance slowed down near Zalyman.

If AFU manages to take the junction at Vesele, it will cut off a key transport artery leading to Izyum from the north.

▪️Part of AFU grouping is engaged to divert the attention of Russian Armed Forces from the main breakthrough directions. A local offensive began near Kopanky, southwest of Izyum.

🔻Russian Armed Forces continue redeploying reinforcements in the breakthrough directions. So far, Balakliya has been lost among large settlements. But for now, AFU continue to advance exploiting weak spots in the defence of Russian forces.


Putin to hold operational meeting with Russian Security Council members on Friday — Kremlin


Situation as of 09:00 9 Sep 2022⚡️

The situation in the area did not change fundamentally overnight. The enemy is clearly in no hurry to move forward its strike units, rightly believing that this puts them in a very vulnerable position, and its supply lines are already 20-30 km advanced, and this, moving quickly forward, can turn a victory into a defeat.

Therefore its tank and mechanized units are not moving further to #Shevchenkovo, #Vishnevaya, #Balakleya lines (which apparently our units left this night), and further to the east, the territory, already abandoned by our troops, is plagued by their flying reconnaissance units, which reached Oskol water storage basin this morning.

In the morning, Poddubny, a military correspondent based in #Kupyansk, reported that significant Russian reserves have arrived in the area of fighting (judging by the speed of arrival, transferred from the Belgorod direction).

Apparently, they will reinforce the Shevchenkovo-Kupyansk-Oskolskoye reservoir line. And if possible they will form a strike fist for a counter-offensive.

To the south, Allied units are building a line of defence with support at Savintsy, Vyshnevaya, Podvysokoye, to provide supply lines for the #Izyum grouping.

In order to prevent us from accumulating sufficient forces here for a counterattack, the enemy is actively « probing » our defenses at the bridgehead south of Izyum and conducting demonstrations towards #Liman, sending in DRGs, whose task is also to cut off the remaining supply lines of the Izyum grouping.

At the same time, Russian air and artillery strikes are now the main deterrent to the enemy.

To sum up, the situation here continues to be difficult, but despite the enemy’s strong encroachment it is manageable.

@Slavyangrad / /
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The situation is tense, the Izyumsko-Kupyanskaya defensive operation continues, the enemy throws large forces into battle

The soldiers of the volunteer formation « Veteran » told S. Pegov that they continue to repel enemy attacks in the Izyum direction. The situation is tense, the enemy has significant forces, local residents are asking the Russian army to protect them… Such messages come to us in the bot…
« So far, the onslaught of the enemy, which is considerably superior to the defenders of the city in numbers and equipment, is being held back. However, the situation is extremely tense and requires the attention of decision-makers. This is what the fighters in the trenches think, » reports Semyon Pegov.
Details from his special inclusion from the Kharkiv region.

Izyum reports:

The first reinforcements entered the city.



🔻AFU continue their offensive in Kharkiv Region for the third day. Their immediate goals are to occupy Kupyansk, the de facto capital of the liberated territories, and to blockade Izyum.

▪️By evening, the fall of Balakliya was confirmed. The approaching units of Russian Armed Forces managed to secure a safe corridor for withdrawal of Rosguardia (National Guard) units, which had held the town for two days.
It appears that Russian Command decided to withdraw from the town and to preserve lives of the units.

▪️Having captured Volokhiv Yar, north of Balakliya, AFU partially blocked Shevchenkove and continued to advance on Kupyansk.
AFU’s mobile tactical groups advanced across the fields towards Oskil River, occupying the villages of Bezmyatezhne and Spodobivka.

After that, the enemy forces were divided. Some units went to Kupyansk-Shevchenkove Road, occupying the village of Hrushivka.

▪️Another group of Ukrainian troops aimed eastward, fighting for Sen’kove on the right bank of Oskil River.

▪️At the same time, the zone of control around Balakliya expanded. AFU were trying to advance towards Vesele and Kun’je, but the enemy’s advance slowed down near Zalyman.

If AFU manages to take the junction at Vesele, it will cut off a key transport artery leading to Izyum from the north.

▪️Part of AFU grouping is engaged to divert the attention of Russian Armed Forces from the main breakthrough directions. A local offensive began near Kopanky, southwest of Izyum.

🔻Russian Armed Forces continue redeploying reinforcements in the breakthrough directions. So far, Balakliya has been lost among large settlements. But for now, AFU continue to advance exploiting weak spots in the defence of Russian forces.


Putin to hold operational meeting with Russian Security Council members on Friday — Kremlin


Situation as of 09:00 9 Sep 2022⚡️

The situation in the area did not change fundamentally overnight. The enemy is clearly in no hurry to move forward its strike units, rightly believing that this puts them in a very vulnerable position, and its supply lines are already 20-30 km advanced, and this, moving quickly forward, can turn a victory into a defeat.

Therefore its tank and mechanized units are not moving further to #Shevchenkovo, #Vishnevaya, #Balakleya lines (which apparently our units left this night), and further to the east, the territory, already abandoned by our troops, is plagued by their flying reconnaissance units, which reached Oskol water storage basin this morning.

In the morning, Poddubny, a military correspondent based in #Kupyansk, reported that significant Russian reserves have arrived in the area of fighting (judging by the speed of arrival, transferred from the Belgorod direction).

Apparently, they will reinforce the Shevchenkovo-Kupyansk-Oskolskoye reservoir line. And if possible they will form a strike fist for a counter-offensive.

To the south, Allied units are building a line of defence with support at Savintsy, Vyshnevaya, Podvysokoye, to provide supply lines for the #Izyum grouping.

In order to prevent us from accumulating sufficient forces here for a counterattack, the enemy is actively « probing » our defenses at the bridgehead south of Izyum and conducting demonstrations towards #Liman, sending in DRGs, whose task is also to cut off the remaining supply lines of the Izyum grouping.

At the same time, Russian air and artillery strikes are now the main deterrent to the enemy.

To sum up, the situation here continues to be difficult, but despite the enemy’s strong encroachment it is manageable.

@Slavyangrad / /
Join SLG 🔺 Intelligence Briefings, Strategy and Analysis, Expert Community

The situation is tense, the Izyumsko-Kupyanskaya defensive operation continues, the enemy throws large forces into battle

The soldiers of the volunteer formation « Veteran » told S. Pegov that they continue to repel enemy attacks in the Izyum direction. The situation is tense, the enemy has significant forces, local residents are asking the Russian army to protect them… Such messages come to us in the bot…
« So far, the onslaught of the enemy, which is considerably superior to the defenders of the city in numbers and equipment, is being held back. However, the situation is extremely tense and requires the attention of decision-makers. This is what the fighters in the trenches think, » reports Semyon Pegov.
Details from his special inclusion from the Kharkiv region.

Izyum reports:

The first reinforcements entered the city.

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️A big battle begins in Kharkiv region:
▪️Army transfers reserves to the front
▪️ Residents of the Kharkiv region due to the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are evacuated to the LPR and Russia – the regional military administration.

Aviation works.

🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦The situation in the Kharkiv direction.The front is very active…

Last night significant reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were transferred to the Kharkiv region.

Reinforcements started to arrive in Izyum direction…


The positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine recaptured by the Wagner PMC units during the assault on the eastern outskirts of Bakhmut (Artemovsk).

Yesterday, in that direction, the enemy tried to play a counterattack, but was defeated and counterattacked in response. As a result, six prisoners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the advancement of the « musicians » a little deeper into the industrial zone of the city.

Also, after the cleansing of the Codema, success is gradually developing from the south side of Bakhmut. The grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffers losses, but tries to grab literally every meter.


The General Staff of the Russian Federation has turned on turbo mode.

According to objective data (photo / video), everything is transferred to Raisins and Kupyansk.

Even the most out-of-the-world MI-26 wings are used, which unload troops a few kilometers from the collision line ‼️

There are no more than 40 such helicopters in service with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

On the roads there is more heavy equipment from Belgorod, as well as from the Lugansk direction.

Now the question is who will have time to form battle formations earlier and occupy the key points of Kupyansk, Oskol and Estuary.

A real logistics race ‼️And AFU leaving flanks exposed will not help them

❗️Massive air transfer of reinforcements near Kupyansk and Izyum. They land almost at point of contact. Several landing points have been prepared. Mi-26 helicopters deliver armored vehicles and personnel. The fighters are sent into battle to push the enemy back and prevent further breakthroughs.

‼️⚡️ 🇷🇺 ⚔️🇺🇦Battle for Izyum: a huge column of Russian military equipment is moving towards the Izyum direction to reinforce it

The Russian Armed Forces are pulling together additional forces to repel the counteroffensive of Ukrainian militants in the Izyum direction.


#Kharkov #Izyum #Offensive: Situation on the Izyum-Kupyansk section of the front at 11.00 on 9 September 2022⚡️

The UAF continue to expand their zone of control southwest of Kupyansk. Acting in small maneuvering tactical groups, enemy units round the few pockets of organised resistance and block settlements.

▪️ Ukrainian formations have occupied #Senkovo on the right bank of the Oskol River. Due to the undermining of the dam and the shoaling of the Krasnoskolsk reservoir, the river can be waded. If they wish, Ukrainian Forces can easily force the crossing of the water barrier and cut off the Kupyansk-Borovaya road.

▪️ Ukrainian sources published a photo of raised flags outside the #Shevchenkovo administration building of the Ukrainian flag and the flag of Kharkov city (not the region). It is not clear whether the photo is from today or not, but the town is at least half surrounded by Ukrainian troops.

▪️ The route R-07 from #Shevchenkovo to #Grushevka is under full control of the Ukrainian Forces. After mopping up by mobile groups, Ukrainian formations moved heavy armoured vehicles in the second echelon. Russian air force artillery and aviation currently prevent the Ukrainian Forces from getting closer than 2-3km to the outskirts of #Kupyansk.

▪️ Indirect indications suggest that a Russian garrison may still be present in #Balakleya. So far, no confirmation of the occupation of the arsenal at 65 Balakleya has been released, and theoretically, control over the Balakleya-Savintsy « road of life » could remain.

Despite active shelling by the Russian Armed Forces, efforts so far are insufficient to limit the breakthrough. The #Izyum front is being denudedby the redeployment of reserves. The next objective of the AFU offensive could be a breakthrough through the fields further towards Velikiy Burluk (Bolshoy Burluk) or a complete encirclement of the #Izyum grouping of the Russian Forces.


Special military operation in Ukraine (September 9, 2022)

◽️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine made various unsuccessful attempts to attack, suffered losses and withdrew their forces at Nikolayev-Krivoy Rog direction.

💥 Manpower and military equipment of 46th Airmobile Brigade, 35th Marines’ Brigade and 61st Chaser Infantry Brigade have been neutralised near Bezymennoye, Novogrigoryevka (Nikolayev region) and Sukhoy Stavok (Kherson region).

📊 The enemy has lost a total of 3 tanks, 4 infantry combat vehicles and 7 other armoured vehicles, 2 pickups with large-calibre machine guns and over 270 servicemen at Nikolayev-Krivoy Rog direction.

💥 High-precision attacks of Russian Aerospace Forces have resulted in the neutralisation of the command posts of Kraken nationalist group deployed near Prishib (Kharkov region) and 93rd Mechanised Brigade near Artyomovsk (Donetsk People’s Republic). Over 50 nationalists, as well as 16 units of special military equipment and motor vehicles have been eliminated.

💥 Attacks launched by high-precision ground-based armament at the provisional bases of the units from 127th Territorial Defence Brigade and 14th Mechanised Brigade deployed near Kharkov have resulted in the elimination of over 50 and wounding over 120 Ukrainian servicemen.

Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery continue launching attacks at the military facilities in Ukraine.

💥 8 AFU command posts have been neutralised near Lebyazhye, Chervony Yar, Gusarovka and Liman (Kharkov region), Maryinka and Ray-Aleksandrovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Krivoy Rog (Dnepropetrovsk region), Gulyay Pole (Zaporozhye region), as well as 52 artillery units, 153 AFU manpower and military equipment concentration areas.

💥 3 AFU missile, artillery and munitions depots have been destroyed near Chuguyev (Kharkov region) and Radushnoye (Dnepropetrovsk region).

💥 1 combat vehicle of U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple rocket-launching system has been destroyed near Chervony Donets (Kharkov region).

💥 1 U.S.-manufactured M-777 howitzer has been destroyed near Rovnopolye (Zaporozhye region).

💥 Air defence means have shot down 6 unmanned aerial vehicles near Izyum (Kharkov region), Staromlinovka, Kirillovka, Slavnoye and Makeyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic), as well as Sladkaya Balka (Zaporozhye region).

💥 18 projectiles launched by HIMARS and Olkha MRLS have been destroyed in air near Novaya Kakhovka and Golaya Pristan (Kherson region), as well as near Kakhovka hydroelectric plant.

📊 In total, 293 airplanes and 152 helicopters, 1,916 unmanned aerial vehicles, 374 air defence missile systems, 4,870 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 827 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,371 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 5,417 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

⚠️ Kiev regime continues its provocations aimed at creating a possible technological disaster at Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

◽️ 6 artillery attacks launched at Energodar have been recorder over the past 24 hours. A total of 27 projectiles have been launched from Marganets located at the opposite shore of Kakhovka reservoir.

◽️ The attack launched at the power transmission line has resulted in leaving the city without electricity.

💥 Enemy firepower has been neutralised by Russian artillery’s counter-attack.

◽️ The personnel controls the technical condition of the nuclear power plant.


According to Poddubny The latest on the situation at Kupyansk and Izyum at 16:24 on September 9:

Our group returned to Kupyansk from the landing point of the Mi-26, with which the Ministry of Defense has been transferring reserves all day.

The main enemy forces are located 8-9 km from the city. They inflict a massive fire defeat on Kupyansk.

The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine seek to surround the Russian group in Izyum. To do this, the mobile groups of the Kiev regime went to the Oskol River over rough terrain in the Senkovo area. South of the Izyum, the enemy also increased activity. Kupyansk is ready for defense, despite the massive fire impact of the regime formations. I contacted the Izyum, they also fully own the situation there. They are doing everything possible and impossible to eliminate the threat of the envelopment. The aircraft of the Russia Aerospace, working and assaulting. Reserves have been coming to us since yesterday. By air and by land.


The Russian Armed Forces continue mass transfer of reinforcements and reserves to the #Kharkov region. Mi-26 helicopters are bringing personnel to the vicinity of #Kupyansk, armoured columns are being moved to #Izyum and #Oskol. Gunfire hits targets in #Chuguyev and #Kharkov, artillery and aviation work along the roads.

▪️ Ukrainian Forces continue to expand their area of control. According to preliminary information, #Shevchenkovo has been occupied. AFU photo at the southern entrance to #Kupyansk suggests that the entire southern road to #Senkovo is under enemy control.

▪️ Activity of separate mobile groups is noted near #Gorokhovatka and the operating bridge over the #Oskol River. Russian units are engaged in combat on the northern outskirts of the village.

▪️ In #Kupyansk itself, the work of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the Ukrainian Forces has been noted. The enemy is shelling Russian positions.

▪️ There are still no facts of objective control from #Balakleya confirming the occupation of the territory of the Arsenal by the AFU, where a contingent of Russian forces could be.

Kharkov situation is starting to look much better than yesterday, but still early.

The same goes with this as in Kherson, if they give the Ukrainians a decisive hiding and regain most of the territory, Zelensky’s trouble will start. He made large statements yesterday…

Battle for Izyum: a huge convoy of Russian military equipment is moving towards the Izyum direction

The Russian armed forces are gathering additional forces to repel the counteroffensive of Ukrainian militants in the Izyum direction

From Ukraine channels:
A friend got in touch and said they were near Kupiansk, but had to retreat sharply. Something didn’t go according to plan. He said the Russians were fucking (them) up all over the place.

‼️🇷🇺Our war correspondents near Kupiansk meet a huge stream of ‘🅾️talent’ -RUSSES- vehicles



The transferred reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from Borovaya managed to repel the AFU offensive on Gorokhovatka and prevent the cutting of the Izyum — Borovaya bridge. Fighting is currently underway near the village of Yasinovatoe.

The settlements of Sinikha, Senkovo, Lesnaya Stenka, Fedorovka are under constant fire control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The main shock fist of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has not yet been involved in this area: small maneuver groups tried to pass from Senkovo and Grushevka to the south.

The evacuation of the civilian population was announced in Kupyansk and Izyum: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is preparing for defense and a possible siege of settlements. A significant part of the residents do not want to leave their homes — even despite the threatened reprisals from the Ukrainian formations.


Boris Rozhin: If we talk about the Situation as a whole⚡️

The operational crisis is still far from being resolved, but unlike yesterday, today we can already see the results of the command’s actions to contain the consequences of the Ukrainian armed forces’ breakthrough north of #Balakleya.

The main tasks at the moment are to hold #Kupyansk, prevent a breakthrough to #Izyum and keep supplying the Izyum Grouping.

The enemy, for its part, will try to consolidate and build on the operational success achieved with the help of transferred reserves. It is worth noting that in addition to confirming videos of the advance, the enemy is also receiving information about trophy equipment and confirmation of a large number of dead AFU soldiers.

A breakdown of why this crisis arose and how it evolved will follow the conclusion of this defensive operation.



Considerable renforcement russe en cours

I can only say, gigantic reinforcement on the way to the front. It seems Russia had enough of this shit.

For the first time in my life I see the whole Ring Road to be blocked off for the military, this resident of Moscow, 600 km from Kharkov, says in astonishment: a military column departs Moscow this afternoon. ETA on Izyum road – early morning tomorrow.

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Suite samedi 10

More and more, entire situation seems like a giant set up. Not the first time we are hearing this.

Apti Alaudinov, commander of the Akhmat regiment, through the prism of his experience, said:

  • « What is happening today was planned. It is a tactical ploy, which helped us to pull all their forces and means into the territory where it is convenient for us to fight them. If anyone thinks that the Russian leadership, the MoD leadership was unaware that the enemy was gathering forces, then those people understand nothing about politics or the military. »

👉Army 🅉 18+
👉Russian Federation Army / USO


Analysis of the situation in Ukraine from enemies:

The main conclusions of the American Institute for the Study of War:

▪️The Russian Armed Forces are pulling up reserves to the Kharkiv region in response to the counteroffensive of Ukrainian militants.
▪️Russian units stopped the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are conducting defensive operations on the outskirts of Kupyansk, as well as in the vicinity of Izyum.
▪️Ukrainian militants continue unsuccessful attempts at a counteroffensive in the Kherson direction.
▪️The RF Armed Forces are conducting offensive operations north of Kharkov, as well as throughout the eastern part of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Defence of Russia has published footage of Russian troops redeploying ( towards Kharkov.

💥 The Armed Forces of Ukraine made various unsuccessful attempts ( to attack, suffered losses and withdrew their forces at Nikolayev-Krivoy Rog direction.

⚠️ Kiev regime continues its provocations ( aimed at creating a possible technological disaster at Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

🇷🇺 Saur-Mogila monument has been inaugurated after restoration ( in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

🌐 Russian Deputy Defence Minister Colonel General Aleksandr Fomin has hosted a briefing ( for foreign military attaches on the outcome of Vostok 2022 exercise.

📹 Russian Defence Ministry has published footage of Western MD Mi-8MTV-5 and Ka-52 army aviation rotorcraft crews ( in combat action within special military operation


⚡️ Urgent⚡️ The Ukrainian Armed Forces are transferring equipment near Krasnyy Liman⚡️

This is reported by @wargonzo project sources in the Krasny Liman district of the DNR.

South of Staryy Karavan, the enemy managed to make a crossing over the river by laying a track (as the @wargonzo project reported earlier). Heavy equipment – armoured infantry vehicles and neo-Nazi tanks – are passing through it right now. Intense shelling of Krasny Liman continues. The situation is heating up.


🇷🇺🇺🇦 1. At night, the RF Armed Forces withdrew behind Oskol in Kupyansk (yesterday the bridge across the river was badly damaged) and the enemy began to occupy the western part of Kupyansk in the morning. The RF Armed Forces were in the eastern part of the city in the morning.

  1. The enemy continued to attack in the Izyum direction, trying to go directly to Izyum. As of yesterday evening, the front was 5-10 km from the city. The enemy DRG moving along Oskol sought to reach Gorokhovatka and further to Oskol.
  2. Krasny Liman began to be subjected to artillery strikes in the morning, and in the morning an attack began on the positions of the RF Armed Forces in the area of Krasny Liman from the area of the Old Caravan. The goal of the enemy is to capture the Krasny Liman and further attack on Oskol, in order to cut off the Izyum grouping. In the event of the loss of Krasny Liman, the question of the need to withdraw the entire Izyum group may rise to its full height. However, the issue of the withdrawal of troops is already on the agenda, since there is not an illusory threat of encirclement near Izyum.
  3. Regarding Balakleya, the enemy posted confirming photographs of control from the northern part of the warehouses. The capture of Balakleya has not yet been announced. In general, the operational crisis after the enemy breakthrough near Balakleya continues to develop. The command has not yet succeeded in stabilizing the front.

Pertes territoriales, repli mais pertes humaines limitées.

Today and the next few days we will not get the happiest news, and the Khokhlyas will dump gigabytes of photos and videos of the settlements we have abandoned. Kupiansk has been abandoned and in fact, we cannot hold on to the right bank of the Oskol River now. I should say that the decision to withdraw our troops was a military necessity that took the upper hand over political expediency, and we should give credit for the courage that gave the order for withdrawal.

The overspent counterattack by the AFU in the Balakleya-Izyum area, the state of troops in the area, and the lies in the reports to the top, let those to whom they belong deal with all this. I repeat, in the current circumstances, an organized retreat is the only right decision. And thank God that despite severe territorial losses, our losses in personnel are not high at all, especially if you consider the scale of the operation.

There were very hard defeats in our history and after some of them we became stronger and repaid the enemy hundredfold and after others, the country itself used to fall into disaster. The main thing now is to understand that the Izyum-Balakleya battle is the Narva, not Tsushima or Mukden. There is no need to throw ashes on our heads, look for traitors, and build conspiracy theories. Such searches lead to a false path, which will not only fail to correct mistakes but will also aggravate them. One must calmly analyze what has happened and realize that there is a difficult war going on with a strong enemy.

Izum has not been turned in, reports from the ground

« Just got out of Izyum on the only road left.
In a nutshell, the situation is extremely acute. The AFU has concentrated a very large grouping, » military correspondent Wednesday just reported.
He stressed that the territory here is very difficult. « Izyum, in fact, has been in a half-ring all this time. On one side is Slavyansk, on the other in some 40 kilometres already passes the Seversk front.

« Our guys are real heroes. This attack by the Ukrainians has only rallied their ranks. Even being outnumbered in numbers, they are closing down difficult sections and occupying the lines, despite the danger of being encircled, » he stressed.

At the same time there is information that our troops are withdrawing from Izyum.

The information is not confirmed, everything is at the level of rumours, so far only one story from the spot from a man who recently left the city. He also came out for a reason, apparently.

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Military expert Boris Rozhin on the progress of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine as of 20.18 Moscow time on 10.09.2022

  1. The enemy has announced the capture of Balakleya. There is no information about the fighting around the city.
  2. The enemy also announced the capture of the western part of Kupyansk. DRGs are already operating on the other bank.
  3. Izyum has not yet been entered by the enemy, even according to their statements. There was still fighting there in the morning and afternoon. A part of the RF Armed Forces started retreating towards Oskol during the night. The situation in the areas to the south and west of Izyum is not clear.
  4. After occupying the western part of Kupyansk, as well as Shevchenkovo, the enemy threw DRG and light infantry groups northwards, which are advancing towards Velikiy Burluk (Bolshoy Burluk), taking advantage of the absence of a solid front line.
  5. An evacuation is underway in Volchansk. There is conflicting information as to whether the city will be held.
  6. Svatovo is under full control of the LPR and no one has approached it. There was no particular panic there during the day.
  7. Krasny Liman and Yampol. By evening they were held by our troops who repulsed several enemy attacks. The plan of the enemy to rush to Oskol from the south within one daylight period failed.
  8. In light of the official withdrawal of the RF Armed Forces from the Kharkov region, it is still difficult to say where the line of deployment of the withdrawn troops planned by the RF Armed Forces General Staff is.

🇷🇺The entire LNR territory is controlled by allied troops. Ukraine is trying to sow panic, – LNR ambassador in Moscow Miroshnik

Now I had a communication session with Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Starobelsk, and Svatovo – these are all northern LNR territories. The rumors dispersed by Ukraine are excessively exaggerated. Everywhere the situation is calm and stable, completely under the control of the LNR.

Only the arrival of several dozen refugees from Izyum and Kupiansk speaks of the proximity of the front. They are received on the territory. They are supplied with everything they need. So far they are doing well.

Stories about the shelling of Lysychansk are also lying. Echoes are coming from the area of Seversk and nearby territories. Military action has been taking place there for two months now.


3 réflexions sur “Contre offensive Ukro: ici un article sévère sur la Russie. La Russie joue trop court. La Russie met le turbo . A SUIVRE avec MAJ

  1. Je suis quasi quotidiennement le site de Castel et le moins que l’on puisse dire est qu’il appelle un chat, un chat. La propagande qu’elle fut ukro, occidentale ou russe, il l’a démonte efficacement. et la rejette comme de la propagande ou du fanatisme aveugle.


  2. Voilà des avis qui tranchent avec ceux du capitaine Xavier Moreau !
    Question : pourquoi les valets européens céderaient-ils à la Russie (gaz, pétrole) plutôt qu’à leur maître ? Poutine est-il trop optimiste ?


  3. Les remarques d’Erwan Castel dans ses articles sont pertinentes.Poutine est « enfermé » dans le schéma de la SMO et les Russes ont certainement un paquet d’incompétents, y compris dans le grand Etat-Major.
    Le risque est surtout pour les populations russophones du Donbass et de la Nouvelle Russie qui ne vont plus rien y comprendre (les référendums prévus pour ce mois ont été repoussé à novembre …).

    Vu ce qui se passe en Europe, on peut aussi se poser la question si les opérations militaires ne deviennent pas secondaires par rapport au désastre économique qui vient. En juillet dernier, on imaginait une pénurie de gaz, mais pas aussi rapidement.
    – A la date d’aujourd’hui, la moitié des haut-fourneaux européens de Mittal est à l’arrêt (y compris dans la bonne ville d’Hambourg de Tonton Olaf !). Toute l’industrie européenne va connaître des arrêts et un haut-fourneau ne se redémarre pas comme une gazinière….
    – Une quarantaine de patrons du secteur de la métallurgie ont écrit à la Commission. Ils sont en train de sombrer.
    – Duralex ferme pour 4 mois un site de production en France. Pas sur, qu’il réouvre… Lidl a annoncé que la facture d’électricité mensuelle pour un magasin est en train de passer de 5 000 €/mois à 15 000 €/mois. Quant à Hakle, – fabricant allemand centenaire de papier toilette -, ….. il vient de se déclarer en faillite.
    – En UK, la nouvelle PM après avoir montré ses muscles pendant les élections du parti conservateur fait en fin de compte du « quoi qu’il en coute » :
    Manière de désarmorcer le mouvement « Don’t pay UK ! »

    Les semaines devant nous vont être « intéressante ».


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